Wednesday, 29 May 2013

EM 12CR2 sizing guidelines


This document will lay out the basic minimum sizing and tuning recommendations for initial capacity planning for your Oracle Enterprise Manager deployment. This document assumes a basic understanding of Oracle Enterprise Manager components and systems.
This document is a starting point for site sizing. Every site has its own characteristics and should be monitor
ed and tuned as needed. This document is intended to complement the Oracle Enterprise Manager installation documentation and covers basic Oracle Enterprise Manager sizing.

Sizing Specifications:

The sizing guidelines for Oracle Enterprise Manager are divided into three sizes: Small, Medium and Large.
The definitions of each size are shown in below table.

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

Lists the minimum hardware requirements for each of the three configurations.

Small Configuration:

The Small configuration is based on the minimum requirements that are required by the Oracle Enterprise Manager installer

Minimum OMS Settings No additional settings are required. Minimum Repository Database Settings
Below table listthe minimum repository database settings that are recommended

Medium Configuration:

The Medium configuration modifies several out-of-the-box Enterprise Manager settings.
Minimum OMS Settings The Oracle Management Service (OMS) heap size should be set to 4096 MB.

Below table lists the minimum repository database settings that are recommended for a Medium configuration

Large Configuration:

The Large configuration modifies several out-of-the-box Enterprise Manager settings.
Below table lists the minimum OMS settings that are recommended for a Large configuration

Below table lists the minimum repository database settings that are recommended for a Large configuration

Additional Configurations: 

Some Enterprise Manager installations may need additional tuning settings baseon larger
individual system loads.These additional settings are listed below.

Large Concurrent UI Load:

If more than 50 concurrent users are expected per OMSthe following settings should be altered as follows

Higher user loads will require more hardware capacity. An additional cores are required for both the database and OMS hosts for every 50 concurrent users
Example: A site with 500 agents and 1000 targets with 150 concurrent users would require at a minimum
the setting modifications listed in table (based on a LARGE 2 OMS configuration)

Minimum Additional Hardware required is listed

The physical memory of each machine would have to be increased to support running this configuration as well.

Large Job System Load:

If the jobs system has a backlog for long periods of time or if you would like the backlog processed faster,
set the following parameters with the emctl set property command.

These settings assume that there are sufficient database resources available to support more load. These parameters are likely to be needed in a Large configuration with 2 OMS nodes

Over All:

The resources required for the Enterprise Manager Oracle Management (OMS) Service and Management
Repository tiers will vary significantly based on the number of monitored targets

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

How to copy files from ASM diskgroup to non ASM filesystem (11gR2).

Below is a script to accomplish copying files from ASM to non ASM (on Linux).

Below example is for copying archivelogs from inside ASM to NAS mount.

# This script copies files from FRA on ASM to local disk
ORACLE_HOME=/opt/grid/  ##{Grid OH}
ASMLS=/users/apps/oracle/asm_ls.txt ##{ASM files list}
FRA=+FRA/CODREP/ARCHIVELOG/`date +%Y_%m_%d` ##{source location of files}
LOCALBACKUPDIR=/opt/dbadmin/CODREP/ARCHIVE_COPY  ##{destination filesystem}
LOG=/users/apps/oracle/asm_log.txt ##{log file}
# Get the list of files
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd > $ASMLS <<EOF
ls $FRA
# Clean the list by removing "ASMCMD>"
sed -i 's/ASMCMD> //g' $ASMLS
##cat $ASMLS
echo `date` > $LOG
# Copy files one by one

for FILENAME in `cat $ASMLS`
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd >> $LOG <<EOF
echo `date` >> $LOG